

Organic Textile Forum

8-10 May 2023


Organic Textile Forum

The Organic Textile Forum in Konstanz, taking place from 9-10 May, with an evening event on 8 May will have "Resources with future potential - sustainable materials and innovative raw material alternatives" as its main topic

Textile producers, dealers, organisations and authorities are always somewhere in a value chain between customers and suppliers. The pressure for social and sustainable management of all those involved as part of these supply chains is increasing. Not least because new legal regulations make it necessary and more and more customers, including consumers, are asking for sustainable products. The fact that the environment suffers from textile production and the working conditions in production countries are sometimes catastrophic calls for more responsibility on the part of business, civil society and politics.

The Organic Textile Forum will show the breadth of these challenges, but at the same time will also present solutions, good approaches and best practice examples. More information about the 2023 Organic Textile Forum and its programme can be found here.


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