Roskilde (Denmark)
In CityLoops Roskilde developed procedures, methods, instruments and generated knowledge to promote a circular transition, through a series of demonstration projects based in the urban development area Musicon, a transformation of an old concrete factory and former waste deposit. The area contains a series of production halls and the development of the area focuses on preserving the industrial aesthetic as well as the existing buildings, to be a hub for creativity, music and cultural activities. Projects in Musicon are created step-by-step in a collaboration between citizens, developers, architects, cultural institutions, local businesses and the municipality, which means that Musicon is a dynamic site in constant movement and change. More information on the results of Roskilde's work in CityLoops can be found in their demonstration report below.
CDW Demonstration Report
Demonstration action 1: Preservation and selective demolition of Hall 11/12
Demonstration action 2: Circular construction of parking garages
Demonstration action 3: Circular soil management