CIG Webinar: Good practices to improve the quality of bio-waste
27 Oct 2023, 10:00-12:00
- online
In Europe, cities generate around 90 million tonnes of bio-waste every year. More than half of that still ends up in the mixed waste that is landfilled or incinerated. The CIRCULAR BIOCARBON project presents a first-of-a-kind flagship biorefinery that offers the opportunity to turn the organic waste generated in a city into new resources and end products. As part of the project, a webinar series is organized through the project's City Interest Group, led by project partner ICLEI Europe - Local Governments for Sustainability.
The second webinar of the series will be hosted as part of the Circular Week 2023, and will focus on collection of municipal bio-waste. Project partner NOVAMONT will demonstrate how high levels of purity in collected bio-waste can lead to higher value applications, which in turn can contribute to financing costly collection systems. The webinar will also feature best practices from across Europe, focusing on how to achieve a high-quality level feedstock, with testimonials from local authorities. Ample time will be dedicated to a Q&A session and for participants to share their experiences on bio-waste collection.
Register here for the webinar. The meeting link will be shared soon.
20 min
Part 1: Higher value valorisation of urban bio-waste streams: why should we aim at higher levels of purity?
NOVAMONT (Patrizio Salice)
10 min
20 min
Part2: Testimonials and best practices from local authorities (looking at topics such as collection schemes, education campaigns or sorting infrastructure)
2-3 local authorities
20 min
Part 3: Improving separate collection in practice, key recommendations
Italian Composting and Biogas Association (Michele Giavini)
40 min
5 min
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