

#LIFEBIOBEST webinar: How to best collect bio-waste in high density areas?

27 Sep 2023, 10:00-11:30

- online

#LIFEBIOBEST webinar: How to best collect bio-waste in high density areas?

Based on the most up-to-date best practices and findings validated by the LIFE BIOBEST project and Zero Waste Europe network success cases, this webinar aims to present how best to collect organic waste (food and garden waste), in high-density areas. It will share key details and evidence on how to set up such high-performance systems in a range of urban contexts across Europe.

The webinar will uncover the DO’s and DON’Ts of effective bio-waste management. More specifically, it will look in detail at:

  • Why and how, in high-density areas such as Milan (home to over 1.4 million people), door-to-door collection systems perform much better than other models that are increasingly seen as “progressive solutions.”
  • How to secure the support and participation of all your community members through innovative communication campaigns and engagement practices.
  • The importance of prioritising food waste over garden waste in such locations, as well as how to tailor the frequency and style of collection rounds in order to maximise capture rates.

For more information about the webinar and to register, click here.

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