Procura+ Conference Call for Contributions deadline extended!
13 Sep 2023
The Call for Contributions deadline for the 11th Procura+ Conference has been extended to 6 October 2023! The conference, which takes place 13-14 March 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, is an ideal opportunity to showcase work on sustainable, innovation and circular procurement to over 250 attendees from across Europe and the world.
The world, cities and public authorities are facing major environmental, economic and social challenges that require a substantial transformation across all aspects of society. Procurement has to play a key role in this transformation. Now more than ever we need to hear from organisations that are making step changes to achieve big impact in sustainable, innovation and circular procurement! It is also a great opportunity to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of procurement e.g. making food and energy systems more sustainable and advancing the just and circular transition.
The call is open to local, regional and national governments; public authorities; businesses, suppliers: policy makers; legal experts; scientific and research organisations; international and European institutions and agencies. Contributions on sustainable, circular and innovation procurement could include:
- Good practice examples of implementation, strategies and lessons learnt
- How procurement addresses societal challenges
- The latest projects, initiatives, research, guidance and tools
- Public and private sector working together
- Sustainable and innovative product or service solutions
Organisations can submit a contribution by completing this form by 6 October.
For any questions send an email to:
For more information on the conference, visit the conference website:
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