

A list of key publications can be found here.

All open source data sets that have been produced as part of the project and that are relevant for research purposes can be found on the CityLoops Zenodo data repository

Search results ( 66 - 69 of 69 )

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D3.1 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Bio-waste Mikkeli


This is a stakeholder engagement plan for the City of Mikkeli, supporting the implementation of the CityLoops activities in the bio-waste stream. The goal of stakeholder engagement is to develop a process, which inspires individuals, groups,...

Publication Date: 29 Jun 2020

Author: Hanne Soininen, Vuokko Malk, Panu Jouhkimo, Anitta Sihvonen

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D3.1 Stakeholder Engagement Plan Bio-waste Porto


This stakeholder’s engagement plan explains which stakeholders Porto City Cluster will engage with, as well as how and when they will be engaged with. The aim is to create a representative pull for the various demonstration actions.


Publication Date: 29 Jun 2020

Author: Carla Santos, Pedro Fonseca Santos and Mariana Sá

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Development of an urban material flow and stock database structure


This document provides the background of an urban metabolism database in use by Metabolism of Cities and describes the requirements that exist for the CityLoops project. This makes it clear why modifying the existing database structure is a...

Publication Date: 01 Apr 2020

Author: Metabolism of Cities

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Urban material flows and stocks accounting: a review of methods and their application


This document is a review of methods on urban material flows and stocks accounting, as well as their application.

Publication Date: 28 Dec 2019

Author: Metabolism of Cities

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