A list of key publications can be found here.
All open source data sets that have been produced as part of the project and that are relevant for research purposes can be found on the CityLoops Zenodo data repository.
Search results ( 16 - 20 of 49 )
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Within CityLoops, Porto has endeavoured to close and shorten material loops in the bio-waste stream through five Demonstration Actions, respectively by 1) setting up a separate BW collection scheme in densely populated areas and
Publication Date: 29 Jun 2023
Author: Helder Claro, Maria Guedes, Sara Velho, Susana Freitas, Emanuel Monteiro, Manuel Semedo, Telmo Machado, Alice Martins
D2.4 Construction/demolition procurement guidelines
The document presents a consolidated overview of the construction and demolition waste (CDW) procurement guidelines produced by each of the cities for their WP2 demonstration projects and includes additional case study examples at the request of...
Publication Date: 20 Jun 2023
Author: Mervyn Jones
Mikkeli’s demonstration actions in CityLoops involved the demolition of two public buildings: Pankalampi Health Care Centre and Tuukkala hospital. This report describes demonstration activities, results and lessons learned.
...Publication Date: 06 Jun 2023
Author: Kimmo Haapea, Raimo Lilja, Ilkka Liljander, Vuokko Malk, Hanne Soininen, Juha Vihavainen, Miika Hämäläinen, Leena Pekurinen and Lasse Hämäläinen
Mikkeli undertook two demonstration actions focusing on the circular economy of the bio-waste sector: 1. BW collection and sorting, pilot project and 2. BW treatment: pilot and laboratory scale experiments. This report describes the...
Publication Date: 22 May 2023
Author: Vuokko Malk, Hanne Soininen, Janne Junninen, Tiina Saario, Leena Pekurinen, Juha-Pekka Ontronen, Johanna Järvinen and Ilkka Liljander
Circularity Hotspot Analysis Method
The Circularity Hotspot Analysis is a method for cities to identify urban circularity hotspots for fourmaterial categories. Firstly, the aim of the method is presented, before explaining how general circularity hotspots can be found with the...
Publication Date: 28 Feb 2023
Author: Carolin Bellstedt, Aristide Athanassiadis, Deniz Çelik