

A list of key publications can be found here.

All open source data sets that have been produced as part of the project and that are relevant for research purposes can be found on the CityLoops Zenodo data repository

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Within CityLoops, Porto has endeavoured to close and shorten material loops in the bio-waste stream through five Demonstration Actions, respectively by 1) setting up a separate BW collection scheme in densely populated areas and

Publication Date: 29 Jun 2023

Author: Helder Claro, Maria Guedes, Sara Velho, Susana Freitas, Emanuel Monteiro, Manuel Semedo, Telmo Machado, Alice Martins

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Mikkeli undertook two demonstration actions focusing on the circular economy of the bio-waste sector: 1. BW collection and sorting, pilot project and 2. BW treatment: pilot and laboratory scale experiments. This report describes the...

Publication Date: 22 May 2023

Author: Vuokko Malk, Hanne Soininen, Janne Junninen, Tiina Saario, Leena Pekurinen, Juha-Pekka Ontronen, Johanna Järvinen and Ilkka Liljander

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Governance of circular economy actions in seven European cities and suggestions for upscaling.


The objective of this report is to support cities becoming circular. It aims to present an overview of the factors and means of influence to steer developments towards a circular economy that were present in the seven CityLoops cities. We look...

Publication Date: 24 Apr 2024

Author: Carmen Aalbers

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Urban Circularity Assessment


The UCA is an urban, economy-wide material flow and stock  accounting method, which paired with indicators, will enable the assessment of material circularity of a municipality or city. Its aim is to monitor progress toward a Circular Economy...

Publication Date: 31 May 2022

Author: Metabolism of cities

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Sector-wide circularity assessment for the biomass sector. Apeldoorn


This current Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment report provides contextual information on Apeldoorn and the economic sector under study. It then illustrates how circular these sectors are through circularity indicators and a Sankey diagram....

Publication Date: 01 Dec 2021

Author: Metabolism of Cities

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